Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Sydney Minis July Family Night!

The next Sydney Minis Meet up will be held Wednesday 13th July commencing at 7pm at Paddys Brewery 268 Parramatta Rd Flemington. We thought because the July meet up is on during school holidays we would make it a family night and encourage those with kids to bring them along and check out all the cool Minis because its not a normal school night! Everyone is welcome to come along enjoy a meal from the bistro and check out all the Minis! Hope to see you there!

Monday, 9 May 2016

Sydney Minis May Mayhem Run 11/5/16 !

Meet Wednesday 11th May at 7pm for a feed so we can aim to be in the cars and cruising at approx 8pm. Meeting point is Paddys Brewery 268 Parramatta Rd Flemington, This month were cruising west up the mountains! Everyone is welcome to come along! HERE IS THE PLANNED ROUTE TO OUR DESTINATION

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Sydney Minis January Meeting

At our January meeting we had approx 18 Minis in attendance at Paddys Hotel and then we cruised out to Harrys at Parramatta afterwards to talk some more. When we arrived there were some members of the JK Affinity group there with some tough Jeeps and the size comparison you can see for yourself! Come and join us for the next meeting on Wednesday 10th February at 7.30pm.